
Turbine Rotor Project

Sub Contracted by Energy Solutions to dismantle and package three turbine rotors for disposal. Quality Nuclear personnel removed all blades using propylene torches and gouge rods. Cut shaft into sections using wire saw technology. Sorted and packaged rotor parts into containers for disposal.

Scaffold Decon Project

Contracted by AEP to decontaminate 100,000 pounds of scaffolding. Scaffolding was decontaminated using a combination of precision detergents, CO2 blast technology and grit blasting services.

Refueling Outage Support Projects

Contracted by AEP to provide decontamination staff augmentation services to D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant during refueling efforts since spring 2006.

Final Status Survey Project

Contracted by Honeywell International to perform a Final Status Survey (MARSSIM) at Honeywell’s Radium Dial Paint facility in Wichita, KS.

Characterization Project

Contracted by Air Capitol Dial Inc. to perform characterization surveys at their old Radium Dial paint facility.

Tool and Equipment Decon

Quality Nuclear provides off site decontamination services for our clients. Projects such as pump component decon, coolant pump seal decon and various other tools, components and equipment.