
QNS is dedicated to providing its clients with dynamic and cost effective solutions the first time around while maintaining the highest level of safety. We pride ourselves on our “client comes first” attitude and strive toward 100% customer satisfaction on every project.

Energy Solutions / Memphis

1790 Dock Street
Memphis, TN 38106

Reference:  Andy Veronee, Facility Manager
Phone: (901) 947-7822

Ongoing purchase order to provide HP and Decontamination Staff Augmentation Services to the Memphis facility.

Indiana/Michigan Power

One D.C. Cook Place
Bridgman, MI

Reference: Mike McLean, General Supervisor
Phone:  (269) 465-5901 Ext. 2342

Dave Raye, General Supervisor Radiation Protection

Phone:       (269) 465-5901 Ext. 2803

Providing Decon Support to D.C. Cook Refueling Outages since 2006.

Provided RP and Decon personnel support for dry cask storage project.

Honeywell International

7227 West Harry
Wichita, KS

Reference:  Paul Shaw
Phone:  (316) 617-3298

Conducted Final Status Survey (MARSSIM) and Final Report for radioactive license closeout at Honeywell’s Wichita facility.  License terminated December 2007.

Air Capitol Dial, Inc.

220 North Vine St.
Wichita, KS 67203

Reference:  Steve McKinney
Phone:  (316) 269-2483

Provided characterization soil sampling to establish remediation actions required for cleanup of old radium dial facility.  Planning in progress for remediation and cleanup efforts.

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.
(Wolf Creek Generating Station)

P.O. Box 411
Burlington, KS 66839

Reference: Mike Skiles, Radiation Protection Manager
Phone:  (620) 364-8831 ext. 4808

Reference: Richard Stumbaugh, HP Specialist
Phone:  (620) 364-8831

Provided Health Physics and Decontamination Staff Augmentation for refueling outages and for routine operations from January 1998 thru March 2003.  During that time provided CO2 blast services for post outage cleanup operations.

Currently providing Health Physics and Decontamination Staff Augmentation support. Spring 2013 Refueling, Spring 2014 Mid-cycle outage and Spring 2015 Refueling outage.

Southern Nuclear Operating Company
Vogtle Electric Generating Station

7821 River Road
Waynesboro, GA 30830

Reference:  James Dixon, Health Physics Superintendent
Phone: (912) 537-5919

Provided Health Physics Staff Augmentation Services for three refueling outages as a “backup” contractor from 1999 thru 2002.

Southern Nuclear Operating Company
Joseph Farley Electric Generating Station

7388 N. State Hwy 95
Columbia, AL 36319

Reference:  Mack Graves, HP Supervisor
Phone:  (334) 814-4601

Reference:  Prince Patton, Health Physics Supervisor
Phone:  (334) 814-4602

Provided  26 HP technicians for Farley’s spring 2000 steam generator replacement outage as a “backup” contractor.